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It is recommended to use Pkg.jl for installation. Please make sure that you are using a compatible version of Julia. A list of compatible versions can be found our CI pipeline.

Follow the command below to install the latest official release or use ] add OutlierDetection in the Julia REPL.

import Pkg;

A specific version can be installed by appending a version after a @ symbol, e.g. OutlierDetection@v0.1. Additionally, you can directly install specific branches or commits by appending a # symbol and the corresponding branch name or commit SHA, e.g. OutlierDetection#master.

If you would like to modify the package locally, you can use Pkg.develop(OutlierDetection) or ] dev OutlierDetection in the Julia REPL. This fetches a full clone of the package to ~/.julia/dev/ (the path can be changed by setting the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR).